
Company Formation Services

We provide a comprehensive range of professional services related to business formation. Our full line of company formation services is listed below.

  • Incorporating of a private company limited by shares or guarantee in Singapore
  • Registration of sole proprietorship in Singapore
  • Registration of partnership in Singapore
  • Foreign Company Setup

Different types of business entities


Private Limited Companies

A company is a business entity registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 50. It has a legal personality i.e. it has rights to own properties, has perpetual succession and can use

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Sole Proprietorship

A sole-proprietorship is a business owned by one person or one company. There are no partners. The sole-proprietor has absolute say in the running of the business.

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Limited Liability Partnership

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a vehicle for doing business in Singapore. An LLP gives owners the flexibility of operating as a partnership while having a separate legal identity

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Foreign Company Setup

Foreign companies wishing to setup a presence in Singapore can choose to register a Branch Office, Subsidiary Company, or a Representative Office.

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Companies Sole Proprietorship Partnership Limited Liability Partnerships
Legal Status A legal person (can enter into contracts, hold property, sue and be sued and exist irrespective of change of shareholders) Not a legal person Not a legal person A legal person (can enter into contracts, hold property, sue and be sued and exist irrespective of change of partners)
Number of owners/ shareholders Minimum – 1 director and 1 shareholder 1 Minimum – 2 Maximum – 20 (except for professional firm) Minimum – 2 Maximum – no maximum number of partners
Liability of owner/ shareholder Limited – the shareholder is not liable for the debts of the company Sole proprietor has unlimited liabilities Partners have unlimited liabilities Not personally liable for the conduct of other partners or transactions or liabilities of the LLP unless is for his own wrongful acts or negligence
Suitable For Businesses with projected growth, which may require additional funding for expansion Individual with low risk Professional firms such as accountancy, law and architecture Professional firms such as accountancy, law and architecture
Advantages Tax exemptions – first S$100,000 of net profit each year is tax-free and the next S$200,000 taxed at 8.5 percent for the first three years Low cost Low cost Low cost setup with limited liability protection
Disadvantages Compliance obligations such as financial reports, AGMs, etc Personal assets not protected Taxed at the individual level and requires paying a personal income tax rate that is higher than the corporate tax rate Taxed at the individual level and requires paying a personal income tax rate that is higher than the corporate tax rate