T.Ravi & Co provides auditing and assurance service for small and medium-size enterprises operating in Singapore. If your organization requires an audit associated with the filing of your annual and periodic financial information for statutory or regulatory reasons, T. Ravi & Co can help you and address specific regulatory reporting requirements such as those issued by government, related agencies and other requirements.
T. Ravi & Co work takes into account all current and where appropriate, prospective auditing, accounting, and reporting regulations and guidance. Our audit clients include multinational corporations, locally listed companies and many small and medium-sized companies.

We adopt an audit plan that is designed to provide reasonable assurance that the company’s accounting records and financial statements are presented fairly and not misrepresented. While we are your auditor, we can add value by helping you drive good corporate governance to improve controls, deter and detect material fraud and errors thus providing credibility to your financial report statements. We are also able to give advice on your company structure and operations that might help you become more efficient.
Non Statutory audits for non-corporate entities such as partnerships, clubs, associations and charitable bodies and internal audits can drive better management control, proactive risk and compliance management, good corporate governance and continuous process improvements.